
Selasa, 4 Julai 2023


 Finally the second semester of this session coming to the end, and now is 14 week and we need to do the revision before the final exam. After discuss and mentioned about my intention to do an online class, they ask for face 2 face lecture and it's happened.

Half from All 
During this cloudy afternoon we doing a revision of what we learn during the semester following the course learning outcome. They just smile and we are watching our SULAM video from 3 groups: October, Mei and January.

After that, the photo session and today we are inside lecture hall (DKP 28). Few words from me:
"jadilah manusia yang manusiawi" , 'Serlahkan potensi anda" and "biar nakal tapi sopan"!

Good luck for final exam.

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