
Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021



Sesuatu yang sedang berkembang hasil kemajuan dalam teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dan dirangsang dengan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. Maka wujudlah apa yang diistilah sebagai Ekonomi Gig iaitu kegiatan perekonomian yang diasaskan oleh pelbagai jenis alatan komunikasi. Dengan itu turut memberi kesan kepada corak hubungan pekerjaan yang kabur dan fleksibel.

Secara umum "platfor work' menurut Köhler (2021):

"Platform work – the matching of supply and demand for paid labour through an online platform – is an emerging and growing employment form which still lacks a clear definition, shows a heterogeneity of business models and calls for the regulation of the contract and employment status and the working conditions [6, 7]. It includes both web-based platforms, where work is outsourced through an open call to a geographically dispersed crowd (“crowdwork”), and location-based applications (apps) which allocate work to individuals in a specific geographical area."

Perkembangan ini merupakan suatu bentuk baru pengukuhan dunia kapitalis yang dinyatakan sebagai suatu kesinambungan. Dengan itu, akhirnya turut membentuk kelas pekerja yang baharu. Menurut Kohler (2021) lagi:

"Gig work represents a new form of capitalist work, a new dimension of the recommodification of labour in the context of the shift towards neoliberalism from the 1970s onwards, a new contested terrain to be regulated by politics, labour law, interest groups, etc., a challenge to invent new institutional settings in an emerging field of precarious and flexible work [17]. To a large extent it is low-qualified flexible but standardised work outside regular labour contracts, a sort of digital Taylorism without the Taylorist mass worker [9, 12]. As a new business model, the gig-enterprise represents the complete disintegration of the traditional Fordist organisation and its collective interest groups into a flexible, market-driven, individualised form of enterprise-customer-worker network. “The gig economy can be regarded as the latest stage in the development of atypical forms of employment” ([18]: 36). The institutional form built around the Fordist enterprise with a fixed contractual workforce, collective bargaining and labour relations, labour law, social security, health & safety provisions, fiscal responsibilities and social responsibility is fading away."

Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian lanjut perlu dilakukan bagi memahami dan menilai kesemua fenomena ini. Oleh itu, universiti hadir dengan segala kemampuannya untuk memenuhi tuntutan ini terutamanya di negeri ini yang kini semakin berkembang seperti berkembangnya ia di zaman pentadbiran Syarikat Berpiagam Borneo Utara suatu masa dahulu.


Holm-Detlev Köhler (2021) Riders, Rights and Collective Action

Rabu, 17 Februari 2021

Pemikiran Semula Hubungan Pekerjaan

 Masa berlalu dengan rentak yang berbeza dan membentuk pelbagai implikasi dalam dunia pekerjaan. Perubahan demi perubahan telah mendesak manusia untuk melakukan penyesuaian dan pembaharuan terhadap kerja dan pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Persoalan ini adalah berkaitan struktur pekerjaan yang dihasilkan berdasarkan struktur ekonomi.

Analisis di Kanada pada tahun 1999 memberikan beberapa penjelasan berkaitan perubahan ini, antaranya seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Graham Lowe, Grant Schellenberg dan Katie Davidman (1999:2) bahawa:

 "However, little is known about the diversity of employment relationships – the rights, obligations, expectations, values and rewards that define interactions in the labour market – that are embedded in these work structures, and how they have been evolving in the face of economic restructuring. 

We argue that employment relationships are the building blocks of economic life, where social and economic public policy goals, ranging from productivity to the quality of life, either meet or clash. The public policy framework that supports employers and workers, such as EI, QPP/CPP, Worker’s Compensation, collective bargaining legislation, employment standards, etc., are based
on assumptions about the kinds of employment relations that characterize the labour market. 

Fundamental changes in the ways these relationships are playing out hence have huge implications for the design of these programs. Changing dynamics in the social and economic ‘norms’ with which workers and employers engage in labour market transactions also have implications for the ways in which employers meet the challenges of recruitment and retention, loyalty and commitment, skill development, and staffing flexibility.

 Unions are grappling with how to adapt collective bargaining and organizing strategies to new employment relationships such as outsourcing, temporary and contract work, and teleworking. 

Workers and their families are concerned about economic security and job quality. Yet there has been little work to document the relationships that play out both between workers and employers and between workers in this new set of working arrangements that characterize the modern labour market landscape. CPRN’s Changing Employment Relationships (CER) project is intended to address this information gap."

Graham Lowe, Grant Schellenberg and Katie Davidman (1999) RE-THINKING EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS, Changing Employment Relationships Series; Canadian Policy Research Network - CPRC Discussion Paper No. W|05- KLIK SINI

Sehubungan dengan itu, fenomena yang sama mungkin berlaku di sini dan kajian lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk memahaminya dari pelbagai perspektif kajian. Sabah yang makmur dengan industri pembalakan telah berubah kepada sektor pertanian dan kini mengorak langkah ke arah sektor perkhidmatan terutamanya Pelancongan dan Pendidikan.

-idea sempena hari istimewa-
27.11.2020 dan 17.2.2021

Isnin, 8 Februari 2021

Semester Berakhir

 Semester ini terasa kelainan..aktiviti membaca skrip peperiksaan telah bertukar dengan REKABENTUK yang baharu...rasanya lebih santai dan kurang tekanan

kususun tugasan mengikut LO dan setiap satunya dibahagikan kepada tiga iaitu Individu, Kumpulan kecil dan kumpulan besar.

setiap topik diNILAI dengan cara yang berbeza.. dan mereka pun bersuara:

kucuba dan kusenyum.

semoga pengalaman semester ini akan mendewasakan kita.

teruskan perjuangan