
Khamis, 2 April 2020

Pekerjaan dan Fleksibiliti

Perubahan cara bekerja kesan perubahan persekitaran.
Para pekerja dan kesatuan sekerja juga memainkan peranan
bagi merangka satu bentuk pekerjaan yang sesuai.

mari belajar dari mereka..

Panduan dari UNISON (the public services union) antara lain menjelaskan:

As a union steward you will often be in a better position than management to identify employees’ needs, where policies are not yet in place or inconsistently applied. Your role can be vital in highlighting the mutual benefit of a consistently applied, well managed, appropriately targeted and ‘fit for purpose’ flexible working policy. We know that work-life balance and flexibility are important for our members as they try to balance their desire to participate fully in their work and maintain a career while fulfilling their care responsibilities, pursuing outside interests, participating in their local community and looking after their own wellbeing. The case for introducing such policies has now been well established. The benefits in terms of staff motivation, skills retention and dramatic reduction in stress-related sickness absence are now clear for both large and small employers

Sumber; Flexible Working, Making it work (2014)

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